YapBuzz Delivery software provides the ultimate solution for all your delivery management needs.
Convenient ordering We provide the online ordering experience that buyers expect. Easy purchasing with flexible delivery and pickup options.
Subscriptions, deposits & credits We offer subscriptions with secure consistent cash flow without any hassle.
Automated Outreach YapBuzz delivery system provides an automated communication process that will increase your sales.
Promotional capabilities We provide referral system, coupon features to attract new buyers and reward loyal customers.
Buyer chat support We can setup live chat system with your customers.
Why Us?
Home Health Care System provides the ultimate solution for all your Home Health Care management needs.
User-friendly CRM
Secure Platform
Easy Tracking System
Permissible System
Progress Notes
Notification Service
Reporting System
Billing system
Key Features
Our administration panel gives you all the tools using which you can run your business efficiently and scale exponentially.
User Role Management
Instantly access and edit customers profile, view history and manage account funds.
Meetings and Follow ups
View order history, edit orders, view/edit recurring subscriptions, etc.
Payroll Management
Create/edit multiple delivery routes and pickup points for customer orders.
Medication Management
Manage products with various options, incl. optional items in CSA boxes
Billing Management
Choose from a variety of major Payment Gateways including PayPal, Stripe, etc.
Reporting & Data Management
Access a multi-purpose reporting system to generate any kind of report.
Service Management
Inventory automatically updates with every order.
Communication Management
Setup various automated email notifications to engage your customers and increase sales.
Robust Security
All data is stored on a highly secure server with SSL certificate and daily backups are stored.
Home Health Care Software Pricing
Our fee structure is divided into three main components:
Set Up Fees (One Time)
$1,500 USD - This fees covers site design and integration, setting up the hosting, SSL certificate, training on etc. so you can get your business setup in the shortest amount of time.
Monthly Fees (Due on 1st of every month)
$399 USD - This monthly fees covers maintenance cost, hosting, data security, data recovery, bug fixing, etc to keep your website up-to-date and functional.
Custom Feature Development
If you want any extra features in your system, we can provide that after a detailed discussion and analysis of the custom requirements.
Quick Comparison
Based on the cost effectiveness and features we have in our product and other popular products have:
Multiple User Role Management
Contact Management
Progress Notes
Billing Management
Payroll Management
Auto/Manual Payment Option
Multiple Service Integration
Reports Management
Documents Tracking
Alert System
Diagnosis Management
Data Update History Tracking
At a Glance Dashboard
Medication Management
Training Management
Verification Tracking
Our Product
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How It Works
Find out how our software makes everything powerful yet simple and easy for you.